Monthly Meetup (October 12, 2021)

December 07 2021

Sinan Bökesoy (sonicLAB)

Applying Probabilistic Distributions Within sonicLAB

The founder and developer at sonicLAB ( will talk about the applications of probabilistic distributions and their stochastic behavior which power up the sonicLAB sound synthesis and processing tools. Some details on programming aspects and strategies of building generative behavior for modern sound synthesis and computer music using these statistical functions are the main focus of this talk. The practical results will be observed directly on sonicLAB’s existing software.

Daniel Walz (Foleys Finest Audio)

Programming Visual GUIs With CSS Layouts

In this talk, Daniel will give a short introduction of GUI paradigms like markup and CSS. A GUI layout engine called PluginGUIMagic will be presented which allows users to edit a plugin GUI using JUCE at runtime and embed this to the product. The components and visualizations enrich the existing JUCE components and allow them to create advanced visuals without writing too much code.

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