Monthly Meetup (September 12th, 2023)

September 11 2023
Damien Ronnsin (Minimal Audio)

Damien Ronnsin (Minimal Audio)

NeuralNote - An audio-to-MIDI plugin using Machine Learning

In this talk, we'll explore NeuralNote, an open-source audio-to-MIDI plugin built over Spotify’s BasicPitch model. We’ll dive into the technical aspects of the plugin and gain general insights into the use of machine learning in audio plugins.

Jatin Chowdhury (Chowdhury DSP)

Jatin Chowdhury (Chowdhury DSP)

Audio Buffers, Buffer Views, and Buffer Iterators

Audio buffers are a fundamental container used in audio software development for storing and processing audio signals. This talk will give a brief overview of container design in C++, and will walk through an implementation of a new audio buffer class from scratch. Supplementary classes including a buffer "view" class will be presented as well as C++ "iterator" types to simply the process of iterating through an audio buffer.

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